Av. Doğan Güney YILMAZ

Through our years of law practice Guney Law & Colsulting Firm provides wide spectrum of legal services, including consulting in this topic:


Attorneyship Services

  1. Criminal or civil law-suits abou malpractice
  2. Malpractice suits for damages
  3. Solution and follow-up of the cases about other contractual and administrative disputes arising from activities in the sector
  4. Liability claims arising from medical and pharmaceutical law
  5. Drug related disputes arising from patents and trademarks


Consulting Services

  1. Registration of patents on formylacetic inventions and registration of pharmaceutical brands
  2. Legal control of the preparation of privacy contracts
  3. Consulting in the field of patient and doctor's rights
  4. The preparation of drug purchase and sale contracts for raw materials
  5. Preparation of pharmaceutical manufacturing contracts
  6. Drug development contracts
  7. Various consulting contracts for pharmaceutical industry
  8. Pharmaceutical distribution contracts
  9. Administrative proceedings related to licensing in pharmaceutical sales and marketing
  10. Preparation of agreements relating to clinical trials
  11. Supervision for the malpractise responsibility
  12. Licence procedures of the Ministry of Health
  13. Preparation and control of the Health Products Distributorship Agreements
  14. Preparation and control of the hazardous waste / packaging disposal / recycling contracts
  15. Consulting services about Medical Product License Procedure
  16. Consultancy in the office, by phone or in writing within the working hours







weekdays 09:00 - 18:00


Cevizli Mah. Mustafa Kemal Cad. Enderun Sok.

No:15 K:3 D:7 Kartal / Istanbul


Tel : +90 0216 457 14 61

Gsm : +90 0532 491 35 06

E-mail : dogan@guneyhukuk.com.tr

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Av. Doğan Güney YILMAZ

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